Concurrently: Live, Streaming News Wall, 1998-2001

Materials: Wood, computers, latex paint

Exhibition History:
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, SF

Macromedia Director

Dimensions: 14' ' x 12' x 3'

Amy Franceschini, Sascha Merg

Relative urls:
Sascha Merg

Concurrently is a live streaming news wall.
Considering the central, tourist location of YBCA, Concurrently was a wall of 7 monitors that streamed live news from each continent via the internet. Programmed in Director, 7 networked monitors with custom designed browsers and 3d graphics streamed texts from news sites with frequently updated news. News stripped from The London Times, Le Monde, and BBC online sites streamed into the Europe browser. News from The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and many other American online new sites was streamed into the browser designed for America. Each browser was accompanied by a graphic, 3d newscaster/bot. These 3d personalities presented news in animated sequences that were interrupted not by advertisements, but two random animations; a sea of swimming fish and an animated city locator map. The seven monitors and two G3 computers were housed in a curved wall resembling the side of a passenger airplane.

Collective Consciousness & Interactivity
Concurrently was stationed across the room from six I-Mac's. Visitors to the cafe could check their e-mail and surf the web freely, or contribute to Concurrently by typing into the default homage on the I-Mac's. Users world-wide contributed remotely to Concurrently through www. Messages typed into the Nutrishnia website streamed into a graphic blimp which animated across the wall through the seven screens. A family of 3d animals also animated through and around the screens while wireframe flowers blossomed and emitted pollen which flew from one continent browser to another expressing the lack of national boundaries that the internet offers.

Some history:
Concurrently was part of a large commission by Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Futurefarmers was commissioned to realize the environment for their internet cafe. The only stipulation was that six I-Mac's donated by Apple must reside in the same space. Futurefarmers proposed a live news wall and a Zine Rack on an adjacent wall. Futurefarmers worked together with Sascha Merg, James Harbison and the YBCA installation crew to realize this new space.

Lunchbox Lab
Photosynthesis Robot
Rainwater Greywater System
Garden Trike
Pogostick Shovel
Seed Library
DIY Algal Hydrogen Bioreactor
Homeland Security Blanket
Botanical Gameboy
Sundial Watches
Solar Music Boxes
Board Game

Public Projects
F.R.U.I.T. Network
Bingo: Field of Thoughts
Lofoten Game of the Future
Fingerprint Maze
Neighborhood Acts
Holding Patterns
The Human Knot

Amy Franceschini
Michael Swaine
Rich Humphrey
Albert Coleman
Sebastian Stjfl
Stijn Schiffeleers
  Futurefarmers: Culivating Consciousness since 1995