Garden for the Environment AIR
Amy Franceschini March 2007 - December 2007
Transitioning the Urban Backyard into a desirable space for learning, inquiry and leisure.

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Sunday, April 15th, 2007
One-day, Collective Library
(Tea + Readings too)

A one-day public library created by artists, gardeners and friends of the Garden for the Environment.
Invited, one and all, to bring a selection from your private library to the garden for a one-day only
public library. By sharing a selection of your favorite books we will temporarily create a collective
dream library. Please bring no more than ten books on the following themes: Urban gardening, art and nature,
food history, art/policy/farming, sustainability/self-reliance, future of food, social history of food/gardens.

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007
Outdoor Film Screening

An evening to celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of things to come for the Garden for the Enviornment and the city of San Francisco. Bring a blanket (maybe two!) for this enchanting evening, the Autumnal Equinox typically being San Francisco's warmest day of the year.